What’s In My Notary Bag?

Notary Bag Contents

Notary Bag Contents

Here are some of the contents of my Notary Bag. Listed below is a more detailed list of what I always carry with me to signings.
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This is the fireproof locking bag I use. It has a 3 number combination lock which works great. I keep my Notary Journal, stamp and a receipt book (carbon copied), which I use for general notary clients.


I use this expanding file organizer with tabs to keep loose leaf certificates (acknowlegements, jurats, proof of execution, and POA copy certificates). 

I keep my California Notary Primer I got from the NNA in this as well. It’s small enough to fit in the back and there in case I ever need to look anything up.

The current year’s rescission Calendar for my reference and a copy of the California Per Diem Interest Disclosure, for client reference if needed.

Prom Notary Pen

Promotional pens… I used Myron and love how they came out on the outside, but they did not write very well, the ink skipped. I ended up getting these replacement ink refills and they work great, very smooth writing. I got all blue ink, but I do still carry several blank ink pens in my bag as well.

Update: Myron emailed me after I left a review and stated that they would replace half of my supply that I order, free of charge. We shall see if they write any better.

A right thumbprints is a requirement in California journals for a deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust, and other documents affecting real property or any power of attorney document. 

For removing the thumb ink and sanitizing. I keep a handful of these with me at all times. 

This may be old school, but when I’m on the phone, it’s easy to quickly check my calendar. I still use my phone, but enter appointments in this as well. I keep laminated notes about most of the loan documents with an explanation. This was helpful when I first started.

This gets pulled out at the end of a signing when I do my final check. Really helps keep my fingers tacky so that I’m not struggling to turn the pages.

The IBM Pouch Contains:

Date stamp, used for my journal and can also be used for the certificates.

Custom stamp with “Certificate attached” on it. I used this when I attach a loose certificate to a document.

Used when a certificate is only missing the California verbiage.

Other Items:

I keep a couple of these clipboards in my car. Attached to them I have a legal folder that contains legal size certificates, in case I need to replace one in the package.

I also keep a small flashlight/stun gun, a small stapler, some business cards, and blue and black ink for my stamps.