Why Use A Mobile Notary Public?

Not Everyone Will Need A Mobile Notary Public

Have you wondered why should you pay the extra travel fee required to hire a mobile Notary to come to you? Notarizations can be performed at your bank, credit union, a Postal Annex,  UPS, and several other places. This is a fact and I recommend them to most people. I have used them myself. If there is no rush and you can go at anytime, this is the best option for most situations. Some banks and credit unions offer complimentary services to their customers. I wouldn’t be offering the best customer service if I didn’t offer this information to my potential customers. I do recommend you call ahead to ensure the Notary is on duty and to check their hours. Due to Covid-19, some locations may have limited available staff and restricted hours of operation than before the pandemic. Also, keep in mind that some documents can’t be notarized at some locations, so you’ll want to check before you go.

Mobile Notaries offer convenience to our ideal clients

Now, why and when would you need a mobile Notary Public? Did I mention CONVENIENCE, this is the #1 reason. We all have busy lives, some with families that need us and some have demanding careers. You may not be able to get to the bank/credit union or any of the other locations when they are open or while the Notary is on duty. So, this is when you can use a mobile Notary. We could come to your office, a nearby coffee shop or other location during your lunch break, early AM before you leave for the office or any other time that’s convenient for you. For some people, time is more valuable than the travel fee mobile Notaries charge.

Another reason to use a mobile Notary is for individuals that are homebound or can’t get to one of the locations. If you have loved ones that are in the hospital, a nursing home, assisted living facility or jail that need something notarized, send a mobile Notary to them. Because signers must be in the presence of the Notary, other than an acknowledgement using a subscribing witness, this is the ideal time to use a mobile Notary Public. So don’t dismiss your local mobile Notaries. Keep us in mind for your convenience and check out the the reasonable fees I offer for mobile services.